Saturday 12 January 2013

Ringing in the New

As I've been progressing with my business I have decided to create a new blog where I will be posting about tips and tricks for your own events; hopefully you will join me there. I will no longer be posting on this blog.
I look forward to your feedback!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Glitz & Glam ~ Grand Opening of New Town Nails & Day Spa


Well, I'm at it again; with the help of the strangest thing...Couvon. For those that don't know what Couvon is; it's basically a spin off of Groupon; which is a daily email with some business offering a deal.
Anyhow, I got a couvon for a pedicure at New Town Nails & Day Spa; it was great, the toes definitely needed a little colour. The woman who did my pedicure just happened to be the owner and went about informing me of her upcoming grand opening. I politely interjected that being an event planner; if she required any guidense I would be happy to help out.
This led to a meeting to go over a few of her ideas that she just wanted some pointers on; by the end of our meeting she had all the answers she needed...she had hired me to organize her grand opening.

Since that meeting we established a name for the event "Glitz & Glam", a theme, a foundation in which to donate a portion of the proceeds; it's the Lucas Wolf Trust Fund, and I've been busy getting everything else in order.

The event is on Saturday, July 21st, from 4pm to 9pm at the Spa which is located downtown Victoria at 777 Douglas St and is attached to the Executive House Hotel. Tickets are only $20; this covers your entrance, appitizers, beverages, spa demonstrations, and a fashion show with Montreal Based designer Carlton Fashions creations.

To purchase tickets contact New Town Nails & Day Spa @ 250 412 3056.

For more information about the event:

For more information regarding the Lucas Wolf Trust Fund:

Sunday 6 May 2012

This Event was brought to you by Sonya Jones Events

This past Super Bowl XLVI wasn't only important to the New York Giants; it was also the date that I got my first paid event for my business; Sonya Jones Events. I happened to be in the right place at the right time with some friends and I got asked to plan a surprise party for a friends girlfriend.
Within two days I had the hall, a bartender, and a photographer booked. It was literally like all of my training and hard work took over and I knew exactly what to do, how to do it, was willing to do anything that needed to be done to make this party the best one yet!

I collected information from the birthday girls boyfriend and sister to establish a theme that I could work with and make it relateable for her and the guests.
The best part; for me,  was being able to have creative run, I had an image in my mind of how I wanted everything to look and was so pleased when it all came together.
I think the centre pieces were my favourite, I had an idea and making those was a collaboration of physics, vision, and a patient father; who sat there with me with a tiny little drill, fishing line and super glue.

I ended up working 14 hours straight that day and loved every minute of it! There were different roles and hidden obstacles that only the event planner is privy to and I was able to see, prevent, or just work with them with an outward ease that no one was the wiser to the inner voice yelling "Oh My God". Which just solidifies my love and dedication to what I am doing.

Oh, and the birthday girl was totally surprised and loved the party; as did everyone else.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Wow, where has the time gone? So much has happened and I'm just starting to get my feet under me, I'll bring you up to speed slowly, but will definitely bring you up to speed. I have to apologise for falling off the grid a bit.

Anyhow, to follow up with Pink in the Rink, which was a great success for the BC Cancer Foundation; a society that I truly love working with. My role for that event was the 50/50 coordinator. I had a great team working with me who were super revved up, energetic, and ready to sell; and sell they did! We provided the winner with $1400; which means we sold $2800 just in 50/50 tickets!!
It was amazing!!

Everywhere you looked was a sea of pink, boys, girls, men, women, young and old were wearing the Pink proudly knowing that because of them; and their contributions, they were saving lives.
The one thing about fundraisers, is they don't seem to work without support from the community and I was over run with admiration for our community as it was a sold out rink; the support was there in pink...I mean spades!
I ended up staying for 6 hours to help with the clean up and counting of cash, but I just can't ever seem to tear myself away. Knowing that the dedication of all those involved makes such a difference for people gives me the energy to keep going.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Pink in the Rink

Pink in the Rink is back at the Save-On Foods Memorial Arena here in Victoria; this is a fundraiser for the BC Cancer Foundation and a chance to wear pink to a hockey game without being made fun of.
I ran into my good friend who works with the BC Cancer Foundation and she asked if I would be willing to help out the foundation again by being there; how can you say no to that?
I’m not certain as to exactly what I’ll be doing, but I will be there and I will be wearing as much pink as humanly possible; come show your support on Saturday, January 28th at 7:05pm. $3.00 from every $15.00 ticket is being donated the BC Cancer Foundation.
There will lots of prizes for you to have a chance to win; the most notable is the airfare and accommodation for 4 to Disneyland, courtesy of Hillside centre.

Check back to find out how it went; or better yet, come and see for yourself!

Sunday 27 November 2011

2011 Visions Gala

What a Success the Visions Gala Was!! In the course of the evening we raised $436,000 for the Victoria Hospitals Foundation; which is fantastic! That money is going to go towards buying the hospitals specialised vital sign monitors; which I personally have been hooked up to and was thankful that they were there just in case they needed to tell the doctors something when I couldn't.

It was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it. My day on November 19th started at the Fairmont Empress at 9am to start setting up; we had to arrange the auction items, assist with the chair covers, arranging the plate gifts and so much more. It's true of what they say, "many hands do make for light work" and before you knew it it was 2pm; time to go home and get changed for the evening to come.

Upon return I was told that I would not only be in charge of the silent auction area (which I already knew) but that I would be assisting with one of the live auction lots. You see, there was this joke that I didn't know what I was going to wear to the Gala and that I should just wear the Canucks Jersey that was signed by the 2010/2011 play off team, it turned out that that joke came true. I was going to be wearing the jersey while they auctioned it off; as well as carrying the football signed by this years BC Lions Team. It was AWESOME!
I did have a great team of volunteers working with me in my silent auction area making sure that all the bid sheets were clear and to answer questions that anyone might have.
You can't imagine how quick time flew by though; before I knew it, it was 12:45am and we had wrapped everything up.
All those hours planning, gathering, arranging, and over in the wink of an eye.
It's events like this one where I was there for a total of almost 15 hours that remind me why I'm doing it...It's because I love it. 
It was all totally worth it and I can't wait to do it all over again.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

18 Days Until the 2011 Visions Gala

We had another fabulous Steering Committee meeting this evening and I can't believe how quick all of this is happening; the Visions Gala is only 18 days away!
Being behind the scenes on events is such an amazing experience; it's like being an artist in a way, you have a vision (no pun intended), it starts to take shape, you correct what doesn't quiet work before revealing it to the public, and when you are finished it's something that will take every one's breath away and you will forget how many hours you spent on the tiniest detail, because it's all worth it.
Tomorrow is the volunteer orientation, it's going to be interesting being on the other side of the orientation; giving instead of receiving.
I'm love, love, loving it!!