Sunday 6 May 2012

This Event was brought to you by Sonya Jones Events

This past Super Bowl XLVI wasn't only important to the New York Giants; it was also the date that I got my first paid event for my business; Sonya Jones Events. I happened to be in the right place at the right time with some friends and I got asked to plan a surprise party for a friends girlfriend.
Within two days I had the hall, a bartender, and a photographer booked. It was literally like all of my training and hard work took over and I knew exactly what to do, how to do it, was willing to do anything that needed to be done to make this party the best one yet!

I collected information from the birthday girls boyfriend and sister to establish a theme that I could work with and make it relateable for her and the guests.
The best part; for me,  was being able to have creative run, I had an image in my mind of how I wanted everything to look and was so pleased when it all came together.
I think the centre pieces were my favourite, I had an idea and making those was a collaboration of physics, vision, and a patient father; who sat there with me with a tiny little drill, fishing line and super glue.

I ended up working 14 hours straight that day and loved every minute of it! There were different roles and hidden obstacles that only the event planner is privy to and I was able to see, prevent, or just work with them with an outward ease that no one was the wiser to the inner voice yelling "Oh My God". Which just solidifies my love and dedication to what I am doing.

Oh, and the birthday girl was totally surprised and loved the party; as did everyone else.