Thursday 3 May 2012

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Wow, where has the time gone? So much has happened and I'm just starting to get my feet under me, I'll bring you up to speed slowly, but will definitely bring you up to speed. I have to apologise for falling off the grid a bit.

Anyhow, to follow up with Pink in the Rink, which was a great success for the BC Cancer Foundation; a society that I truly love working with. My role for that event was the 50/50 coordinator. I had a great team working with me who were super revved up, energetic, and ready to sell; and sell they did! We provided the winner with $1400; which means we sold $2800 just in 50/50 tickets!!
It was amazing!!

Everywhere you looked was a sea of pink, boys, girls, men, women, young and old were wearing the Pink proudly knowing that because of them; and their contributions, they were saving lives.
The one thing about fundraisers, is they don't seem to work without support from the community and I was over run with admiration for our community as it was a sold out rink; the support was there in pink...I mean spades!
I ended up staying for 6 hours to help with the clean up and counting of cash, but I just can't ever seem to tear myself away. Knowing that the dedication of all those involved makes such a difference for people gives me the energy to keep going.

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