Sunday 15 January 2012

Pink in the Rink

Pink in the Rink is back at the Save-On Foods Memorial Arena here in Victoria; this is a fundraiser for the BC Cancer Foundation and a chance to wear pink to a hockey game without being made fun of.
I ran into my good friend who works with the BC Cancer Foundation and she asked if I would be willing to help out the foundation again by being there; how can you say no to that?
I’m not certain as to exactly what I’ll be doing, but I will be there and I will be wearing as much pink as humanly possible; come show your support on Saturday, January 28th at 7:05pm. $3.00 from every $15.00 ticket is being donated the BC Cancer Foundation.
There will lots of prizes for you to have a chance to win; the most notable is the airfare and accommodation for 4 to Disneyland, courtesy of Hillside centre.

Check back to find out how it went; or better yet, come and see for yourself!

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