Sunday 27 November 2011

2011 Visions Gala

What a Success the Visions Gala Was!! In the course of the evening we raised $436,000 for the Victoria Hospitals Foundation; which is fantastic! That money is going to go towards buying the hospitals specialised vital sign monitors; which I personally have been hooked up to and was thankful that they were there just in case they needed to tell the doctors something when I couldn't.

It was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it. My day on November 19th started at the Fairmont Empress at 9am to start setting up; we had to arrange the auction items, assist with the chair covers, arranging the plate gifts and so much more. It's true of what they say, "many hands do make for light work" and before you knew it it was 2pm; time to go home and get changed for the evening to come.

Upon return I was told that I would not only be in charge of the silent auction area (which I already knew) but that I would be assisting with one of the live auction lots. You see, there was this joke that I didn't know what I was going to wear to the Gala and that I should just wear the Canucks Jersey that was signed by the 2010/2011 play off team, it turned out that that joke came true. I was going to be wearing the jersey while they auctioned it off; as well as carrying the football signed by this years BC Lions Team. It was AWESOME!
I did have a great team of volunteers working with me in my silent auction area making sure that all the bid sheets were clear and to answer questions that anyone might have.
You can't imagine how quick time flew by though; before I knew it, it was 12:45am and we had wrapped everything up.
All those hours planning, gathering, arranging, and over in the wink of an eye.
It's events like this one where I was there for a total of almost 15 hours that remind me why I'm doing it...It's because I love it. 
It was all totally worth it and I can't wait to do it all over again.

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