Tuesday 4 October 2011

2011 Victoria Dragon Boat Festival

My last event of the summer was with the 2011 Victoria Dragon Boat Festival downtown Victoria; it was fantastic! If you were there on the Friday night, you could have found me in the beer gardens serving it up with style.
We were having a blast in there with the patrons, the band, the dancing (in front and behind the service table), there was lots of energy and everyone had a great time.
It is said the the tradition of Dragon Boating start in 278 BC after the death of Qu Yuan, after learning of impending devistating situations in his home state; which he had been exiled from, he walked into the river, not to be seen again. Upon hearing this traumatic news the locals paddled out in their fishing boats, beat drums and splashed the water with their paddles in order to keep the fish and evil spirits from his body. Afterwards threw rice into the river so he would not go hungry.

The dedication that Qu Yuan showed for his home state can still be seen today in the dedication from the teams, dedication to training, tradition, and the true nature of any sport; having fun. Although I didn't see any rice being thrown into the Inner Harbour, I did see flowers; which was beautiful.
The drums still beat just as strong with the rythmic, determined paddling; there's an energy that just irradiates through the whole event.
It's a sight to see, feel, and hear; where you there this year?

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