Monday 10 October 2011

32nd Annual Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon

I was once again called with the charge of manning the BC Cancer Foundations tent that was at the Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon; it was a great day filled with lots of energy within the crowd. Considering that they called for rain, Victoria weather did exactly what it always does; the opposite. It was gorgeous, which I'm sure helped with the mood of the runners and the crowd.
But regardless of the weather I would have had the same cheery disposition that I bring to all events that I work at; there wasn't a person who walked by my tent that didn't get a smile and a "good morning/afternoon". I was there to be the face of the foundation, answer any questions that anyone might have, and to graciously accept donations.
The race itself saw a new record time brought in by Thomas Omwenga from Nairobi at 2:14:31, beating out last years winner Philip Samoei who finished last year with 2:23:24 and who clocked in this year with 2:25:39(which was second place) wow.
If you weren't down there this year make sure you are next year, it's quiet the thing to see, and the energy of it all is truly electric.
Were you there? Did you run?

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