Saturday 13 August 2011

Breaking News!!

I'm sure any of you who have worked an event you are used to getting a "thank-you" email afterwards; which is always greatly appreciated to be recognized for all your hard work, right?
Well, after the Courtnall Celebrity Classic Gala I received an email which I thought was similar to the ones that I have received in the past; only thing was this wasn't just like any email I had received, no this one was different...

"Hi Sonya,
I just wanted to send you a note to thank you again for your help with the Courtnall Celebrity Classic Gala. You stood out with a number of our staff and we were very impressed with your attention to detail and professional, friendly attitude.
 When we were chatting on Friday you had mentioned that you might be interested in helping out with our upcoming Visions Gala. We would like to invite you to join the Steering Committee if you are available. I know you work full-time so it might be a problem with your schedule to commit the time, but we would be honoured to have you."

This email was way more exciting!! So, yes, you've guessed it, I am now on the Steering Committee for the upcoming Visions Gala; which will be happening here in Victoria on Saturday, November 19th. Mark your calendars!
I'll be keeping you up to date on our progress and any exciting news I can share without spoiling the night; For those that aren't familiar it is an event organized by the Victoria Hospital Foundation (VHF) to raise money for much needed new equipment within Victoria's Hospitals. (Follow this link to check out last years event
I'm just so excited and honored to be a part of this event; I just can't wait for my first meeting!! Can you feel the excitement?

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Steering committee! That's great you've been volunteering hard. Its nice to have that great feedback.
