Thursday 28 July 2011

Victoria MX Ride For the Cure 2011

Sunday, July 17th found me in a place that I would have never thought I would be; out at the Western Speedways Motor Cross track. I was; once again, volunteering with the BC Cancer Foundation as an honorary Representative.
I was amazed and moved by peoples generosity at all these events, and especially this one. This is their second annual fundraiser, and with the turn out and interest I don't see it stopping any time soon.
 Did you know that 1 in 3 Canadians will be affected with Cancer? I feel with odds like that making a donation to the BC Cancer Foundation is really investing in your own future; fingers crossed you'll never have to cash it in, but if you do, you know that it's going to be there to help you, your mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, daughter, and or son.
The day its self was fantastic, I set up the table met Jeff; the coordinator, and settled in for the day. I was totally surprised how quickly people started donating. Jeff and the other volunteers had set up raffles; a 50/50, various merchandise that was donated from local businesses aimed towards the sport, and the most popular was donated by Westjet, two tickets to anywhere Westjet flies. It was amazing!!
I quickly adapted to the day in helping sell raffle tickets as well as man my table; but  that's what it's all about right, helping out any where I can.
I even managed to get in an interview with Check News! That was pretty exciting; I don't think I've ever given an interview before, hopefully it will be one of many to come.
If you haven't been out to Western Speed Ways; make sure you get out to the Westshore MX track, it's just behind the Speed Way.
There's nothing like hearing the rev of bikes, feeling the Earth shake from all the momentum, and seeing the dirt fly as those guys go racing around that track!
I may have never thought I would end up out there, but I'm sure glad I did and I'll definitely be going back.
Will I see you out there??

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