Wednesday 27 July 2011

TD Canada Trust Moss Street Paint-In

Woke up early Saturday morning for the TD Canada Trust Moss Street Paint-In to the pitter patter of rain drops outside my window; however, I did not get washed away from my duties as a greeter. I resolved to be that much more cheerful and friendly at my post.
After getting my post set up for the day, eyeing up the amazing art all around me, I hunkered down to be the ray of sunshine the day was lacking.
The Paint-In started at 11am that morning and that's exactly when the rain stopped; it was perfect!
People were out in droves enjoying the art; water colours, acrylics, oils, clay, photographs and many more mediums were used from many talented artists.
I manned my post with shared smiles, hello's, and general cheer that everyone seemed to have going on that day.
After my shift I found one of the artists that wowed me at last years event was there again this year; Tad Suzuki, always takes my breath away; his realism is so astounding that it's a mind trip to look at; it's like Inception on a canvas.
Another artist; a photographer, Jane Ramin, of Cultural Reflections made me stop in my steps with the beautiful photograph of red feet on a red floor somewhere in India; that's what made me stop, the rest of her photos is what made me shop. She really captured life in that moment with all the emotion intact; beautiful.
All the funds go to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria to continue with events like these, bringing exhibits to the gallery, and supporting programs within the city.
Where you one of the hundreds that made it out to the Paint-In?

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