Tuesday 21 June 2011

6th Annual Canary Derby

Saturday, June 18th, found me out at the Vancouver Island Tech Park to work with the BC Cancer Foundation to raise money and awareness for early detection of Cancer research. There was craft, ingenuity, and style with all the soap box cars out there.
It was such an amazing experience; everyone was in the best of spirits and having a lot of fun. One participant was diagnosed with terminal cancer with a very short time to live...That was nine years ago. It's stories like that that motivate people to continue to have faith that more and more cures for Cancer can be found.
Another participant raised $800.00 to have his head shaved, and all those that donated got to take snip of his locks; they called it sheering the sheep, and when you see the pictures below you will understand why.

I had the honor of meeting the founder of the Canary Foundation, Don Listwin; who's motivation comes from his own personal experience with cancer, his father is a colon cancer survivor; however, sadly, his mother was not so fortunate and was taken by ovarian cancer.
He's raised millions to fund the early detection of cancer; and with the research hopefully will have the opportunity to save millions.
The event was a great success with live entertainment from Broken Strings, bouncy castle (for the kiddlets), beer gardens (for the adults), silent auctions, The Candy Shop tent, and of course the Soap Box Races.
If you missed it this year, make it a must for next year.

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