Tuesday 14 June 2011

Victoria Foundation 75th Anniversary Gala

On Saturday, June 11th, I had the privilege of working with Joanne Fyffe and Roger Huffman of Insite Display; who were charged with the task of designing and setting up 3 rooms; VIP room, reception, and dinner, at the Victoria Conference Centre for the Victoria Foundation 75th Anniversary Gala. The inspiration for the event was the beginning; which was back in 1936, so the 30's which evokes the feelings of  classy, elegant, and stunning. There was no detail that was over looked with the linens, napkin folds, center pieces, colour coordination's, everything was perfect, and it showed.
The experience was one that will not be soon forgotten; Joanne and Roger are such professionals and the love they have to for their work speaks for itself.
As far as the event went, I've heard nothing but good things. The evening was emceed by Global TV BC News Anchor Chris Gailus, with the CEO of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation as the keynote speaker, plus an hour of comedy provided by Canadian Comedian Rick Mercer; who I understand received a standing ovation for his excellent work.
All and all a fabulous Gala!!

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