Saturday 28 May 2011

Walk to Fight Arthritis

On May 15th, 2011 was the walk for The Arthritis Society Walk to Fight Arthritis; and even though it was rainy and cold volunteers and participants came out to make the 2nd annual walk a great success with raising over $29,000.
The event brought together numerous ages of participates to walk for those they know and love or for themselves. One little girl in particular stuck out in my mind; she has been diagnosed with juvenile arthritis, but she was there with her little sister and parents doing the walk in spite of the cold and rain; she ended up being the biggest fundraiser of the day.
That's what makes good events, having that one moment or person that no matter how cold you might be sticks out in your mind as inspirational and makes it all worth while.

If you would like to know more about what The Arthritis Society is about or make a donation follow the link:

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